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Current Trainers
Thad Walker, PI
Zayneb Yardim, graduate student
Susan Sorenson, graduate student
Mike Bulatowicz, graduate student
Former Trainers and their Whereabouts
- Daniel Thrasher, Continuous Comagnetometry Using Transversely Polarized Xe Isotopes, 2017, Sandia National Laboratory
- Elena Zhivun, postdoc, Magnetometry, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Matthew Ebert, Neutral Atom Ensemble Qubits and Rydberg Blockade, 2017, IonQ
- Joshua Weber, postdoc, NMR Exotica, UW-Madison
- Zack Deland, Advances in Fetal Magnetocardiography Using SERF Magnetometers, 2017, EPIC
- Ibrahim Sulai, Magnetometry, Bucknell University
- Anna Korver, Towards an NMR Oscillator, 2015, New Hope Tutorials
- Matt Kauer, postdoc, magnetometry, WiPAC
- Robert Wyllie IV, The Development of a Multichannel Atomic Magnetometer Array for Fetal Magnetocardiography, 2012, Georgia Tech Research Corportation
- Brian R. Lancor, Studies of the Efficiency of Spin Exchange Optical Pumping, 2011, Edgewood College
- Larry Isenhower, Demonstration of Rydberg Blockade and a Neutral Atom CNOT Gate, 2010, Abilene Christian University
- Erich Urban, Coherent Manipulation of Single Atom Qubits Using Rydberg States, 2009, Aurora Oncology
- Erik G. Brekke, Stimulated Emission Studies of Ultracold Rydberg Atoms, 2009, St. Norbert College
- Jason O. Day, Progress Towards the Creation of an On-Demand Single Photon Source Using Rydberg Atoms, 2008, DOD Basic Research Office
- Zhimin Li, Development of a Parametrically Modulated SERF Magnetometer, 2006, Northwestern University
- Earl D. Babcock, Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping with Alkali-Metal Vapors, 2005, Forshungszentrum Julich
- Jennifer S. Strabley, Demonstration of Dense Mesoscopic Atomic Clouds in a Holographic Atom Trap, 2004, Quantinuum Inc.
- Bien Chann, Studies of Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping, 2003, Panasonic
- Raymond T. R. Newell, Cold and Dense Clouds of Atoms in a Holographic Atom Trap, 2003, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Ian A. Nelson, Physics of Practical Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping, 2001, Columbia-St. Marys
- Stephen J. Kadlecek, Spin Relaxation in Alkali Vapors, 1999, University of Pennsylvania
- Charles Sukenik, postdoc, Cold Collisions, Old Dominion University
- R. Scott Schappe, postdoc, Electron Collisions with MOTs, Lake Forest University
- R. C. Nesnidal, Ultracold Collision Measurements in Low Intensity Magneto-Optical Traps, 1999, Science from Scientists
- Samir Bali, postdoc, cold atoms, Miami University
- R. S. Williamson, III, Magneto-Optical Trapping of Potassium Isotopes, 1997, Leonardo DRS
- Paul Feng, Spin Polarized Spontaneous Force Traps, 1996, Stryker
- Dominik Hoffmann, Light-induced collisions of ultracold rubidium atoms, 1996, SAIC